Strategy VIII

Ensuring ARV treatment for 80% of the estimated number of PLHIV and AIDS patients in need of treatment, by 2015:

  1. Ensure access for the PLHIV and AIDS patients to outpatient treatment;
  2. Ensure the access of general population to provider-initiated HIV testing and laboratory diagnostics;
  3. Ensure the PLHIV with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of opportunistic infections and HIV-associated conditions in outpatient settings;
  4. Ensure the access of PLHIV and AIDS patients to ARV treatment;
  5. Ensure the access of adult PLHIV and AIDS patients to ARV treatment;
  6. Ensure the access of HIV-infected children and AIDS patients to ARV treatment;
  7. Ensure adherence to ARV treatment (including, through nutritional programs);
  8. Ensure the laboratory follow-up to adjust regimens for an efficient treatment;
  9. Surveillance of drug resistance in HIV patients.