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Useful links

In order to stay up to date with HIV/AIDS news and events, lower you can find useful links containing any piece of information you might need.

Country Coordination Mechanism


Main Links


The official site of the Moldova Country Coordination Mechanism

that embrases information on the structure, functions, meetings and other information related to coordination of the National Programmes on AIDS and TB in Moldova.

About Drugs


A site of the Union for HIV Prevention and Harm Reduction that is aimed at teenagers, parents and school teachers and refers to useful information on services for drug users.

NAM website


A website with various resources covering all aspects related to HIV, including country epidemiologic situation, country reports and guidelines to support development and implementation of the country AIDS Programmes.

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS


A site that produces and distributes accurate, up-to-date and evidence-based resources (printed, electronic, audio and online), covering both the medical and social aspects of HIV, to people living with HIV and to those who work to treat, support and care for them.



'Stepping Stones PLUS'



addresses the issues of gender and generation, but also focuses on additional issues, including safe motherhood with discordant couples, male circumcision, the female condom, voluntary and confidential counselling and testing, and other related issues.  'Stepping Stones PLUS' is only available as a pdf file, either on CD or by email. It can be ordered, at a cost of £10, from TALC either online or by email.

Code of Conduct on Images & Messages


Dóchas members have created a Code of Conduct on Images & Messages. The purpose of this Code is to provide a framework  which organisations can refer to when designing and implementing their public communication strategy. The Dóchas Code offers a set of guiding principles that can assist practitioners in their decision-making about which images and messages to choose in their communication while maintaining full respect for human dignity.

KaiserEDU’s Tutorial


KaiserEDU's tutorials are multimedia presentations on health policy issues, research methodology and the workings of government.

AIDS Diary


This is a great example of how  one well-told story can have a huge impact in personalizing the epidemic.  There are lessons here on the power of radio, on selecting the right story to tell, on empowering PLWHA by giving their voices a platform, and partnering to increase impact.

How to use the Radio to capture your Project


If you're interested in some very basic tools for how to make radio pieces, check out the site.  Audio is a cheap and powerful way to capture the voices of  leaders emerging from your projects.

The Global Media Aids Initative


GMAI is dedicated to leveraging the power of media to help prevent the spread of HIV and reduce the stigma facing those already living with the disease.

Global Health Reporting


This website provides the latest information on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

HIV Code


A tool developed specifically for NGOs working in the field of HIV/AIDS aimed at organizational development. The site is specifically useful because it has resources translated into Russian.

Harm Reduction

All About Drugs


All About Drugs is a site for young people, parents and teachers that provides useful information and links on drugs and consequences of its use.



Public Association “Union for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Harm Reduction in Moldova (UORN)” is the site of a coalition of NGOs working in harm reduction in Moldova.



HRTC  is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing alternative treatment to people with drug and alcohol problems.

Harm Reduction Coalition


The Harm Reduction Coalition at is a national advocacy and capacity-building organization that promotes the health and dignity of individuals and communities impacted by drug use.



IHRA’s 21st International Conference’. These conferences have been held around the world for two decades and, for 2010, we are returning to the city which hosted the first conference in 1990 – Liverpool, England.
Russian Harm Reduction Network (ESVERO)



A non-commercial partnership with the main mission to promote drug-related harm reduction strategy in order to combat HIV epidemic and other adverse consequences related to drugs, strengthen public health and realization of civil rights of drug users and all citizens of Russia. Promotion of civil society and human rights, advocacy, and provision of technical support for harm reduction service providers are core aspects of ESVERO’s work.



Евразийская сеть снижения вреда (ЕССВ) это региональная сеть. Миссия ЕССВ заключается в продвижении гуманных, научно обоснованных подходов снижения вреда от употребления наркотиков с целью сохранения и поддержания здоровья и обеспечения защиты прав человека на уровне индивидуума, сообщества и населения в целом.

Harm Reduction Journal


Harm Reduction Journal is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of minimizing the adverse effects of psychoactive drugs, drug polices, and enforcement.