Studies and Surveys

Transition readiness assessment

NSP/OST/ARV/HVC cost-effectivness study


National Commitments and Policy Instrument (NCPI)

Estimarea Mărimii Grupurilor Consumatorilor de Droguri Injectabile, Lucrătoarelor Sexului Comercial, Bărbaților care fac Sex cu Bărbații, Republica Moldova, 2014

Monitoring and Control of HIV infection in the Republic of Moldova, 2015

GARPR 2016 Report

Success in reaching ’15 by 15’ shows that we can end the AIDS epidemic

New UNAIDS report describes how the world achieved the global treatment target.

Реализация комплексных программ по профилактике ВИЧ/ИППП среди секс-работников

Реализация комплексных программ по профилактике ВИЧ/ИППП среди секс-работников: Практические подходы на основе совместных мероприятий.

UBRAF 2015

Country outcome achievements report for Republic of Moldova.

RAPORT regional privind revizuirea ţintelor tratamentului antiretroviral/retargeting

Recent, oficiul regional UNAIDS pentru Europa de Est şi Asia Centrală a elaborat raportul regional cu privire la procesul de revizuire a ţintelor tratamentului antiretrovital (TARV)/retargeting, după reuniunea consultării regionale, care a avut loc în perioada 28-29 aprilie 2014, în Istanbul, Turcia. 

Investment case

În septembrie 2014 se lansează cercetarea de analiză a eficienței alocărilor financiare în domeniul HIV/SIDA/investment case. Aceasta va fi realizată simultan în șase țări ale regiunii Europei de Est și Asiei Centrale: Armenia, Belarus, Kazahstan, Kâgâzstan și Ucraina conform unei metodologii unice, cu ajustări ale acesteia la specificități naționale; Exerciţiul dat va fi susţinut tehnic de catre UNAIDS, OMS, Banca Mondială, PNUD şi alte agenţii tehnice. Facilitarea implicării largi a tuturor partenerilor va fi realizată de către Secretariatul CNC TB/SIDA prin procese de consultanţă şi validare naţională.


Integrated Bio-Behavioural Study in key populations at higher risk: key indicators 2012-2013

The study goal was to gather strategic information regarding the risk factors contributing to transmission of HIV, virus of Hepatitis B and C, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in key populations as injecting drug users and their regular sexual partners, commercial sex workers and men who have sex with men for a better advocacy, planning, and design of the future prevention programs.

Evaluation of Opioid Substitution Therapy in the Republic of Moldova

The assessment aimed at identifying constraints towards ensuring OST coverage among injection drug users (IDU), accessibility and quality of OST services and most important steps for achieving progress and efficiency in OST implementation through provision of comprehensive and integrated care to OST patients, cost-efficiency analysis including future cost implications on national budget.

Raportul de Bilanț UNICEF "Copiii și SIDA"

A new report released by UNICEF shows great progress has been made to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, with morethan 850,000 new childhood infections averted between 2005 and 2012 in low- and middle-income countries. 


Prezentul raport descrie rezultatele studiului repetat de măsurare a cunoştinţelor, atitudinilor şi practicilor tinerilor de 15-24 ani cu referire la HIV/SIDA. Studiul este realizat în mod similar ca și studiile realizate în 2006, 2008 și 2010 (Scutelniciuc O. et al. 2007, Scutelniciuc O. et al. 2008, Scutelniciuc O. et al. 2010).

Case Studies on E2S for 2012 UNAIDS report

The Republic of Moldova is classified as a concentrated/low prevalence country with a concentrated HIV epidemic. There is evidence of spread of the infection in the general population. In the 1987-2011 period, in Moldova have been reported a total number of 7049 infected persons, 2268 from eastern region of the country. The prevalence through HIV infection at 1 January 2012 constituted 173.79 cases per 100000 population, in the eastern territories – 398.48 per 100000 population.

Aplicarea Drepturilor Omului în Sănătatea publică. Drepturile consumatorilor de Droguri injectabile şi ale Persoanelor care trăiesc cu HIV.

Aceasta publicaţie a fost tipărită cu suportul financiar al Fundaţiei Soros Moldova, Programul Sănătate Publică, în cadrul Proiectului „Promovarea respectului confidenţialităţii privind statutul seropozitiv şi nondiscriminării în rândul utilizatorilor de droguri injectabile şi grupurilor de risc care trăiesc cu HIV/SIDA în Republica Moldova”.

Suport juridic pentru utilizatorii de droguri injectabile şi persoanele care traiesc cu HIV/SIDA

Aceasta publicaţie a fost tipărită cu suportul financiar al Fundaţiei Soros Moldova, Programul Sănătate Publică, în cadrul Proiectului „Promovarea respectului confidenţialităţii privind statutul seropozitiv şi nondiscriminării în rândul utilizatorilor
de droguri injectabile şi grupurilor de risc care trăiesc cu HIV/SIDA în Republica Moldova”.

Analiza Legislaţiei Republicii Moldova în ceea ce priveşte Statutul Juridic al Consumatorilor de Droguri

Acest raport are ca scop analiza cadrului normativ existent în ţara noastră referitor la utilizatorii de droguri, prin prisma drepturilor omului, cu accent pe drepturile generale ale pacientului, cuprinse atît în actele naţionale cît şi cele internaţionale la care Republica Moldova este parte.

National Curriculum for training of social assistants ”Social assistance of persons affected by HIV and AIDS”

Scopul acestei instruiri este consolidarea capacităţilor asistenţilor sociali în domeniul iniţierii unor acţiuni, dezvoltării unor servicii sociale destinate persoanelor afectate de HIV/SIDA. 

Course support ToT Social assistance of people affected by HIV and AIDS

Training description of the course ToT Social assistance of people affected by HIV and AIDS.

Sectorial action plan in the field of social protection of people infected or affected by HIV/AIDS

Implementarea politicii sociale în condiţiile actuale presupune aplicarea noilor măsuri de protecţie socială a categoriilor de populaţie cu venituri mici, perfecţionarea cadrului legislativ-normativ, care va asigura accesul populaţiei la servicii de asistenţă socială calitative şi prestaţii.

Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting and Health Sector reporting 2013

The survey targeted youth aged 15-24, permanently inhabiting the territory of the Republic of Moldova (right bank of the Nistru river only). 

Supradozele în Mediul Consumatorilor de Droguri Injectabile: Aspecte Sociale şi Medicale

În societatea noastră modernă, orientată în mare parte spre consum, găsim o piaţă largă de ţigări, alcool şi alte substanţe toxice cu proprietăţi psihoactive care conduc la o serie de daune la nivel individual şi social. La nivel mondial, circa 230 mln. populaţie consumă droguri (4.8 %), dintre care anual circa 27 mln (0.6%) au probleme de ordin medical, juridic, social legate de acest consum. În afară de multiplele consecințe negative care le au drogurile asupra societății cea mai importantă problemă care se analizează în raport este impactul asupra sănătății populației consumatoare de droguri. 

Express Analysis: Negative Impact of Data Exclusivity on Access to Medicines

In the current negotiations for Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement, the European Union (EU) requires the Republic of Moldova to introduce in the national legislation data exclusivity as a new form of protection of intellectual property. Data exclusivity would allow pharmaceutical companies to hold exclusive rights over their clinical test data for a defined period of time. This means that manufacturers of generic medicines would not refer to the clinical test results of the originator drug for a maximum period of 11 years (8+2+1) and would not be able to enter the market of the Republic of Moldova.

Evaluarea actelor legislative şi normative în vigoare cu referire la consiliere şi testare voluntarã a tinerilor şi adolescenþilor în Republica Moldova şi regiunea transnistreanã

Adolescenţii şi tinerii au nevoie de consiliere pentru rezolvarea problemelor asociate cu maturizarea, formarea comportamentului inofensiv şi crearea atitudini responsabile pentru sănătate. Consilierea prezintă principala metodă de lucru în domeniul sănătăţii şi social pentru adolescenţi. Unul din obiectivele consilierii adolescenţilor şi tinerilor este suportul în crearea cunoştinţelor, atitudinii şi abilităţilor acestora pentru aşi reduce riscul de infectare cu HIV. Consilierea adolescenţilor si tinerilor necesita a fi realizată în conformitate cu vârsta si nivelul de dezvoltare psiho-socială.


The methodology for monitoring and evaluating HIV/AIDS-related expenditures presented in this document was developed under the project “Monitoring Financial Resources for Projects and Programs to Counter the HIV Epidemic in the Republic of Moldova”. It helps to ensure effective management of expenditures for HIV/AIDS control programs and activities in the Republic of Moldova and is based on the principles of National Health Accounts (NHA) and on the classifications of the National AIDS Spending Assessment (NASA) developed by UNAIDS. 

Analiza cheltuielilor in HIV/SIDA in Republica Moldova

Acest studiu a fost iniţiat de Reprezentanţa UNAIDS în Republica Moldova  în vederea documentării fluxului de resurse financiare în domeniul HIV/SIDA pentru prezentarea datelor în cadrul raportului Guvernului Republicii Moldova la Declaraţia de Angajament privind HIV/SIDA adoptată de Adunarea Generală a ONU în cadrul sesiunii extraordinare consacrată HIV/SIDA, din 27 iunie 2001 (UNGASS 2008).

Social inclusion or exclusion: rights of people living with HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Moldova?

Iulius Rostas is researcher, PhD student in Sociology at the Babes Bolyai University from Cluj and has a master degree in human rights at the Central European University from Budapest.

Report on the activities of the Litigation Programme

During the period January – March 2010, the Litigation Program offered legal consultancy, undertook cases as strategic litigation. The information on the activities is presented in this report.

Estimating Sizes of Populations of People who Inject Drugs, Sex Workers, and Men who have Sex with Men, Republic of Moldova 2011

The Republic of Moldova undertook a rigorous size estimation activity to address limitations of earlier estimates made through expert opinion or with limited data. Size estimates were made separately for major cities and for the Right and Left Banks (Transnistria) of the Dniestr River.

Analiza Cost Beneficiu a Programelor de Reducere a Riscurilor din Republica Moldova

Analiza cost beneficiu  permite evaluarea interesului  pentru societate  a programului și se bazează pe informaţiile privind rezultatele programelor de prevenire HIV implementate în Republica Moldova care au fost colectate din rapoartele de activitate ale organizaţiilor neguvernamentale active în domeniu, rapoarte de țară și studii efectuate referitor la acest subiect. 

Raport studiu sociologic calitativ - opinii, percepţii, atitudini şi experienţe ale adolescenţilor privind consilierea şi testarea voluntară la HIV

Acest raport cuprinde o analiză a situaţiei privind accesul la serviciile de consiliere şi testare voluntară la HIV (CTV) a adolescenţilor prin prisma percepţiilor, atitudinilor şi experienţelor acestora. De asemenea au fost studiate opiniile prestatorilor de servicii CTV şi cele ale reprezentanţilor CSPT.

Evaluarea actelor legislative şi normative în vigoare cu referire la consiliere şi testare voluntară a tinerilor şi adolescenţilor în Republica Moldova şi regiunea transnistreană

Dezvoltarea accesibilităţii la servicii de consiliere şi testare voluntară în Republica Moldova este o strategie prioritară în prevenirea infecţiei HIV/SIDA, sporirea accesului la îngrijiri medicale şi susţinerea pacienţilor, inclusiv şi din grupele vulnerabile.

CBA Harm Reduction Programmes in Moldova

Analiza cost beneficiu  permite evaluarea interesului  pentru societate  a programului și se bazează pe informaţiile privind rezultatele programelor de prevenire HIV implementate în Republica Moldova care au fost colectate din rapoartele de activitate ale organizaţiilor neguvernamentale active în domeniu, rapoarte de țară și studii efectuate referitor la acest subiect.

Country Assessment 2010

The GIPA Report Card is one of five evidence-­‐gathering tools being implemented through the HIV Leadership through Accountability programme.

HIV Knowledge, Attitude, Practice (KAP) Study on teenagers with parents working abroad

This report is a result of Rapid Assessment and Response conducting in the frame of a Fact Finding Mission (FFM) in NON-EU countries and EU border Areas, including Moldova. General Objective of the Fact Finding Mission is to sort out gaps in and between the core strands HIV/AIDS/STI prevention, diagnostic and therapy in border areas between EU and ENP country, Republic of Moldova. Specific objective FFM: Interdisciplinary networking. To scale up the implementation of highly active prevention through boosting network cooperation.

Negative Impact of Data Exclusivity on Access to Medicines

In the current negotiations for Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement, the European Union (EU) requires the Republic of Moldova to introduce in the national legislation data exclusivity as a new form of intellectual property protection.
Data exclusivity would allow pharmaceutical companies to hold exclusive rights over their clinical test data for a defined period of time.

NSP Cost-effectiveness report: Needle-syringe programs are cost-effective in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: costing, data synthesis, modeling and economics for eight case study countries

HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are highly prevalent among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). This study assessed the cost-effectiveness of needle-syringe programs (NSPs) in this region.

Estimating Sizes of Populations of People who Inject Drugs, Sex Workers, and Men who have Sex with Men, Republic of Moldova 2011

This investigation yielded national estimates for sizes of populations at risk for HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Moldova.

People who inject drugs: methods (2009)

The study goal was to gather strategic information regarding the risk factors contributing to transmission of HIV, virus of Hepatitis B and C, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in people who inject drugs and their steady sexual partners for a better advocacy, planning, and design of the future prevention programs.

Evaluation of the HIV testing component of National HIV Programme in Moldova

Evaluation of the HIV testing component of National HIV Programme in Moldova.

The results of the national survey on alcohol, drugs and tobacco among pupils from Moldova (ESPAD 2011)

This report contains the latest data on alcohol, drugs and tobacco among pupils registered in Moldova.

Evaluation Report Supply with Anti-Retroviral (ARV) Drugs for HIV/AIDS patients in Moldova

The Anti-Retroviral(ARV) treatment was initiated in Moldova in 2002 when the first patient received medicines procured from the Ministry of Health (MoH) funds. Since 2003 the ARV drugs have been procured with the financial support of the World Bank (AIDS prevention project in Moldova) and the Grant of Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (first round). The current evaluation of ARV drugs supply was conducted based on the main components of the pharmaceutical product supply cycle. 

Report on assessment of expenses for antiretroviral therapy for people living with HIV and AIDS

Goal of the research is to establish the cost of ART for HIV and AIDS patients based on a package of services that are provided to beneficiaries, more specifically per 1 patient, in order to begin activities aimed at introducing State financing of ART in Moldova.

Evaluation of the National Training System of University and Postgraduate for health professionals in the Drug Addiction / Dependence and HIV / AIDS

The project goal is related spread reduction of HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users and persons in detention by improving access to HIV prevention, treatment and support.

Data Synthesis on Tendencies of the HIV epidemic in the Republic of Moldova 2011

The HIV Data Triangulation Study (DT), Modes of Transmission (MoT) Analysis in Moldova projects were funded by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). The HIV Strategic Information Synthesis Project in the countries of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia is designed to build rigorous, scientifically robust evidence to support countries in the development of targeted and cost effective national strategies.

Estimations and forecasts for HIV in Moldova, 2012

Estimations and forecasts for HIV trends serve as support to prioritize interventions and plan appropriate response measures. In order to improve the quality of successive estimates and forecasts, the report comes with a number of recommendations to improve the availability and quality of data from routine statistics.                                      

Qualitative Research among BSB carried out in the framework of Prevention Evaluation, 2011

Qualitative research in the framework of evaluation of prevention interventions under the National Programme on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS and STIs 2006 – 2010.

BSS 2009

The study goal was to gather strategic information regarding the risk factors contributing to transmission of HIV, virus of Hepatitis B and C, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in people who inject drugs and their steady sexual partners for a better advocacy, planning, and design of the future prevention programs.

Women's vulnerability HIV infection in Transnistria region

Girls and women are particularly vulnerable to HIV infection due to a combination of biological factors and gender-based inequalities. Because of biological factors and cultural barriers that limit women’s knowledge about HIV and their ability to protect themselves and negotiate safer sex led to the fact that over the past decade the growth of infection among women is gaining a higher rate.

Socio-economic status of people with HIV: a sociological study

Study of socio-economic status of people with HIV has confirmed once again that in recent years the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Moldova continues to grow and that HIV is spreading more and more in general population, particularly among young, rural population and women. Migrants and their families are one of those groups more at risk for HIV/AIDS.

Evaluation of prevention services for mother to child transmission of HIV in the Republic of Moldova

This is the first study for depth assessment of PMTCT services in the Republic of Moldova. The results show that although more than half of health care providers have received training in PMTCT, HIV and VCT, their level of knowledge, skills and real attitude is still very low.

The 2011 ESPAD Report: Substance Use Among Students in 36 European Countries

This is the report from the fifth data-collection wave of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol
and Other Drugs (ESPAD). It is based on data from more than 100,000 European students. Over the
years about 500,000 European students have answered the ESPAD questionnaire. This is the second
ESPAD report to be based on a common database.

Behavioural and Seroprevalence Study Moldova 2007

This report represents the results of the behavioural and HIV sentinel surveillance study, Moldova 2007. According to the monitoring and evaluation plan of the National Programme on the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS and STIs for 2006-2010, the study targeted 5 groups: Injecting Drug Users (IDUs), Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs), Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), prison inmates, and truck drivers.


Data Synthesis on Tendencies of the HIV epidemic in the Republic of Moldova 2011

The HIV Data Triangulation Study (DT), Modes of Transmission (MoT) Analysis in Moldova projects were funded by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).  The HIV Strategic Information Synthesis Project in the countries of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia is designed to build rigorous, scientifically robust evidence to support countries in the development of targeted and cost effective national strategies.

Joint Assessment Report and Annexes Moldova National Programme For HIV/AIDS AND STIS

This Joint Assessment (JA) was conducted in Moldova from 27 June to 8 July of the Moldova National Program for HIV/AIDS and STIs Control and Prevention for 2011-2015 (NSP). It was the first Joint Assessment to be conducted under the GFATM Second Wave of the National Strategy Application (NSA) modality. 

Republic of Moldova Progress Report on HIV/AIDS

Reliable information is one of the most important determinants in the process of development and implementation of efficient and effective strategies. Information represents the evidence base for establishing the framework, soundly based on the status quo, for efficient interventions to prevent the spread of HIV.

Data Synthesis on Tendencies of the HIV epidemic in the Republic of Moldova 2011

The HIV Data Triangulation Study (DT), Modes of Transmission (MoT) Analysis in Moldova projects were funded by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).  The HIV Strategic Information Synthesis Project in the countries of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia is designed to build rigorous, scientifically robust evidence to support countries in the development of targeted and cost effective national strategies. 

Tracking the HIV epidemic through phylogenetic comparison of subtypes of HIV virus in sero-positive blood samples collected in the Republic of Moldova

The HIV-genetic diversity and the genotypic drug susceptibility investigation in representative sample of strains circulating in the Republic of Moldova in 2007-2009, representing second study of its kind and first using refined tools in the Republic of Moldova.

Scientific evaluation report on effectiveness of Dance4life Project in Russia

This report represents a research to evaluate the effectiveness of the project Dance4Life in Russia.

Evaluation of HIV Prevention Programmes in the Republic of Moldova 2010

The main goal of the evaluation of HIV prevention programmes is to determine the effectiveness of an HIV prevention project in changing the risk behaviour among IDUs in the NAP implementation period 2006 – 2010, on the right bank of Nistru.


This Joint Assessment (JA) was conducted in Moldova from 27 June to 8 July of the Moldova National Program for HIV/AIDS and STIs Control and Prevention for 2011-2015 (NSP). It was the first Joint Assessment to be conducted under the GFATM Second Wave of the National Strategy Application (NSA) modality.

The standards of mutual aid services for vulnerable groups

These standards are intended primarily for those people who see a group of mutualway of solving their problems. In addition, they help to all those who wish to developsuch groups - civil society organizations, health and social workers, psychologists,teachers.

Mid term review of the national TB Program 2006-2010

This report derives from the effort to strengthen the mission, organized by the Regional Bureau for Europe and the coordination of the World Health Organization in Moldova, on the assessment of the National Program of Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Moldova for 2006-2010, organized between 7-11 September 2009 and focused on the monitoring mission of TB infection control proceded between 22 to 28 November 2009.

Progress on Implementing the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia

The Dublin Declaration progress report fits in with monitoring these and current EU aims on HIV/AIDS.

Moldova VCT Preliminary Report

This mission is carried out 17-24 November 2008 under the project "Prevention of HIV, HBV, HCV, in the Republic of Moldova", implemented with the financial support of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministery of Health of the Republic of Moldova.

Moldova Epidemiological Overview. Report on most recent epidemiological trend

This report is the result of an intersectoral collaboration between public organizations, NGOs, international agencies and donors involved in the national HIV response. 

Description and evaluation of medical, psychological and social services for injected drugs users in TMR

The evaluation has been ordered by Carlux social organization. The goal was to identify the problems of organizing response to the HIV epidemics in Transnistria and to propose recommendations for prevention of blood-borne infections among IDUs.

Social and epidemiological aspects of HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Moldova

The thesis was developed in the Epidemiology Department of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu" in Moldova. The purpose of this paper is to optimize the system for the epidemiological surveillance of HIV/AIDS in Moldova by studying epidemiological and evolutionary features of this infection also assess knowledge, attitudes and practices to prevent this disease.


A Hidden Epidemic: HIV, Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender People in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Consultation

This meetingreport describes the main outcomes of the regional consultation in relation to the HIV prevention, treatment, care and support needs of men who have sex with men and transgender people in

eastern Europe and central Asia;  emphasizes the strong need and demand for the creation of a regional coordination mechanism for advocacy,  prevention, treatment and care activities among the MSM and transgender communities; summarizes the key recommendations developed by participants of the meeting related to priority areas;

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey on HIV/AIDS among people involved in labour relations in the Republic of Moldova

The International Labour Organization in Moldova initiated and delivered the current Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Survey on HIV/AIDS among people involved in labour relations.The study identified legislation imperfections and provided stakeholders with recommendations for adjusting legal provisions to international standards.

Progress Report-3rd quarter

The purpose of this report is to inform on the progress of activities under Global Fund Grants to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Round 6, components of TB and HIV/AIDS.

Estimating Sizes of Populations of People who Inject Drugs, Sex Workers, and Men who have Sex with Men, Republic of Moldova, 2011

Estimatesof sizes of populations at increased risk for HIV/AIDS are needed for better policy, program planning, and management. In many international settings, this estimation is complicated; the stigmatizing or illegal nature of some behaviors makes the populations difficult to reach and results in diminished quality of administrative data.  


Moldova’s Report on IADGs implementation

The aim of this Report is to assess Moldova’s progress towards the Internationally Agreed Development Goals (IADGs) and, in particular, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the impact of national reforms and selected policies, as well as projects implemented by country development partners on the MDG targets, focusing on gender equality and empowerment of women. 

The Global Fund. Eastern Europe and Central Asia. A review.

In 2005, about 270,000 people were infected with HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and thus the number of people infected with HIV in the region reached 1.6 million, which represents almost 20 times more in less than ten years.

Progress on implementing the Dublin Declaration on partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia.

This report seeks to document achievements of the Dublin Declaration on partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia, using country-based reports, against a selected number of indicators of relevance to the countries of the region. 

HIV/AIDS report

Since Global Fund has reached a point where the five-year lifecycle of first grants are nearing completion, a Five-Year Evaluation was launched. The results of this evaluation will be used by the Global Fund to review the functioning and performance and by the whole community of those engaged in improving global health and delivery of development finance.

Evaluation Report Supply with Anti-Retroviral (ARV) Drugs for HIV/AIDS patients in Moldova

The Evaluation Report of ARV drugs supply, procured with the financial support of the World Bank (AIDS prevention project in Moldova) and the Grant of Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (first round) was conducted based on the main components of the pharmaceutical product supply cycle.


Technical assistance for enhanced programming for HIV prevention among MSM in Moldova

This assignment was carried out from 14-18 June on behalf of UNAIDS Moldova. The obiective of the assignment was to analyze the data and trends documented in the existing strategic information base regarding the HIV epidemic in Moldova, in particular with regard to MSM and to formulate recommendations for further programming. 

Qualitative Study Report, HIV Knowledge, Attitude, Practice (KAP) Study on teenagers with parents working abroad

This report is a result of Rapid Assessment and Response conducting in the frame of a Fact Finding Mission (FFM) in NON-EU countries and EU border Areas, including Moldova. General Objective of the Fact Finding Mission is to sort out gaps in and between the core strands HIV/AIDS/STI prevention, diagnostic and therapy in border areas between EU and ENP country, Republic of Moldova.

Progress Report on the Project “Social Integration of the LGBT community in Moldova”

Public Health Monitor Nr. 4

The present document – Public Health Monitor Policies on Patient Safety – was developed with the financial support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The opinions expressed in the present document belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect those of NED.

Unit-cost for IDU

Improving the Hospital System in the Republic of Moldova

There are ambitious plans being made to reform the hospital system in the Republic of Moldova. This report sets out some background to these proposals, reviews the Hospital Master Plan and the associated planning of a road map for reform and makes some suggestions about the design and implementation of the reforms. It is based on a review of documents, meetings with the Minister of Health, officials from the Ministry of Health, Health Insurance Company (CNAM), Hospital directors, the National Council for Evaluation and Accreditation in Health (CNEAS), World Bank, Delegation of the European Union and Ministry of Finance and a two day policy round table to discuss the proposed reforms.

World Drug Report 2011

The World Drug Report documents developments in global drug markets and tries to explain the factors that drive them. Its analysis of trends and emerging challenges   informs national and international drug crime priorities and policies, and provides a solid foundation of evidence for counternarcotics interventions. Drug markets and drug use patterns change rapidly, so measures to stop them must also be quick to adapt. Thus, the more comprehensive the drug data we collect and the stronger our capacity to analyse the problem, the better prepared the international community will be to respond to new challenges.

Report on most recent epidemiological trends

Reliable information is one of the most important determinants in the process of development and implementation of efficient and effective strategies. Information represents the evidence base for establishing the framework, soundly based on the status quo, for efficient interventions to prevent the spread oh HIV. 


Access to antiretroviral treatment and medicines for the treatment of opioid dependence in 7 countries of the former Soviet Union

The report is one of the stages of a joint initiative of regional and international civil society organizations to improve access to HIV prevention and care in the region.

A review of the current National HIV/AIDS delivery infrastructure including the development of a new organizational model for the coordination of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care services in the Republic of Moldova.

In 2008 the Government of the Republic of Moldova undertook a mid-term evaluation of the National Programme on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS 2006 – 2010.  The review identified drawbacks in the health delivery system and identified that there are too many diverse institutions engaged at the local and country levels and this has now become a major issue in the delivery of services to PLHA. 

Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) for HIV, HBV, HCV: development capacity.

Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) - a method of preventing the spread of HIV infection and spreading of AIDS. Can be successfully used for preventing the spread of viral hepatitis, with transmission of pathogens, similar to HIV.

Evaluation of Methadone Maintenance Therapy in the Republic of Moldova

The Republic of Moldova in recent years has developed a clear policy on HIV Prevention and control, reflected by the Law on HIV Prevention (2007) and the National Programme on the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS and STI.

Epidemiological and Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Infection in the Republic of Moldova

HIV/AIDS infection became pandemic in a relative short time, and now it is a global problem that affects all continents and countries. HIV/AIDS infection is estimated by the WHO experts like the most globalized epidemic in human history. 

UNAIDS Eastern Europe and Central Asia Mapping Prevention Interventions in the CIS

This assignment aimed to catalogue the nature and scale of prevention interventions targeted at populations at higher risk of HIV, across the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CIS) region.

Report on the Project "Social Integration of the LGBT community in Moldova"

The EU-Moldova Action Plan states that Moldova should adhere European values, which include respect for minority rights and tolerance. The plan states as one of the actions that Moldova should pass anti-discrimination legislation for minorities in line with the European standards. GenderDoc-M is doing active lobby to make sure this provision doesn' t stay out of the Implementation Plan of the EU-Moldova Action Plan, being agreed now by Moldova and the European Commission.

AIDS in the Commonwealth of Independent States

This report highlights experiences of biological and behavioral HIV surveillance thereby contributing to accelerating an effective response to the HIV epidemic in the CIS countries.

Estimations and Projections of HIV Epidemic - Republic of Moldova

EPP2009v and Spectrum 3.47 are epidemiological software for the estimation of prevalence and incidence trends over time. Taking into account the definition of epidemics provided in the EPP2009v software manual, Republic of Moldova has a Concentrated Epidemic pattern.

Data triangulation

To respond to changes in the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Moldova, the Republic has developed a new National HIV/AIDS Programme 2011 – 2015. The new Programme is intended to address complex questions concerning quality, intended outcomes of interventions, and trends over time, consideration of which could enhance the focus of a national response. 

Universal Access

This reporting tool requests information from national programmes to monitor and report on the scale-up of priority health sector interventions for HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in 2010, including interventions for women and children.

Assessment report HIV/AIDS M&E system

The M&E system is designed to collect information to support the activities and outcomes of the initiatives, taken by the Government of Moldova to fight against this disease. The outputs are intended to serve wider govermental needs for reporting on the health dimensions at national and international levels.

National HIV/AIDS Response Analysis Republic of Moldova 2010

The national response has passed through several stages. Initially, the main national response was HIV screening for greater numbers of patients and HIV testing, as well as increasing the diagnosis and surveillance capacity. Once the infection among IDUs has increased, the country has started mandatory HIV testing for drug users, as well as Harm Reduction projects implementation, in order to preserve the epidemic in the most affected areas.

The report of consultants Bobric Vladimir and Alexei Musatov

Cases of HIV infection are registered in the country since 1987, the aggregate number of people currently living with HIV (PLH) in the Republic of Moldova (RM) represents more than 6,000 people, including in Chisinau region registered more than 6000 persons (2009 data).

Study: Moldovan Migrants' Health - Impact Of The Socio-Economic Welfare

UNAIDS jointly with IOM, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova conducted a study on the health implications of the socio-economic welfare of Moldovan migrants. The research was carried out within the framework of the IOM project “Managing the Impact of Migration on the Healthcare System of Moldova” and benefited of methodological and financial support from UNAIDS and the World Health Organization.

UNGASS Progress Report 2008–2009: Republic of Moldova

The present report is the fourth UNGASS report that the Government of Moldova has produced. The document presents the data for the period January 2008 – December 2009, following the Declaration of Commitment of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on HIV/AIDS, signed in 2001. 

Report on the Survey "HIV/AIDS Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Youth 15–24 Years Old" 2006

This report presents the results of a survey carried out to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of young people 15–24 years of age with respect to HIV/AIDS.

UNGASS Progress Report 2006–2007: Republic of Moldova

The present report is the third UNGASS report that the Government of Moldova has produced. It is for the first time when the report was produced under full responsibility and coordination of the newly established Monitoring and Evaluation Department for National Health Programmes.

Report on the Survey "Youth's Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices regarding HIV/AIDS", 2008

This report presents the results of a survey on assessment of youth of 15–24 years old on knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding HIV/AIDS and use of substances among youth of 15–24 years old, who live on the territory of the Republic of Moldova (except the territory from the left bank of Dniester River).

Travel and Residence Regulations for People with HIV and AIDS

For many people, travel is an important aspect of quality of life. Others have to stay in foreign countries for a longer time for private or professional reasons.

Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors of People in Uniform in the Republic of Moldova regarding HIV/AIDS and STI

The current research has the aim to evaluate and analyze the knowledge, attitudes and practices referring to HIV/AIDS of military recruits from the National Army of the Ministry of Defense, the Carabineers Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Border Guard Service.

Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices regarding HIV/AIDS among People Involved in Labour Relations in the Republic of Moldova

The main KAP Survey objective was to determine the level of KAP among employed population in what concerns HIV/AIDS.

Access to ARV Treatment in 7 Countries of the Former Soviet Union in 2007

This publication is the first attempt in the region to collect data and assess the impact of existing systems for planning, funding and procurement of drugs for HIV treatment and access to ARV treatment in 7 countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, and Estonia.

Evaluation of Methadone Maintenance Therapy in the Republic of Moldova, 2007

The evaluation was performed by an international consultant, who was assigned to develop a detailed methodology of assessment and evaluation of methadone substitution pilot projects in the Republic of Moldova; to assess and evaluate the existing substitution therapy programs;

Evaluation of Opioid Substitution Therapy in the Republic of Moldova, 2008

This short mission June 18–19, 2008 was initiated by Soros Foundation-Moldova as a follow-up of the mission of the international consultant which took place in July 2007.

Moldova’s First Demographic and Health Survey

Moldova’s first Demographic and Health Survey (2005 MDHS) is a nationally representative sample survey of 7,440 women age 15–49 and 2,508 men age 15–59 selected from 400 sample points (clusters) throughout Moldova (excluding the Transnistria region).

KAP on Hepatitis B and C and on VCT for HIV and Viral Hepatitis in the General Population of Moldova

This sociological research study report was carried out on a national representative sample of 1300 respondents and was aimed at evaluating knowledge, attitudes and practices of...

Mid-Term Review of the National Programme on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS and STIs for 2001–2005

This document reviews the NAP 2001–2005 based on the established indicators. It is based on the results of a desk review of a number of key reports and studies prepared over the period of ...

Mid-Term Review Mission of the Moldova AIDS Control Project

A World Bank health team visited Moldova from April 4–12, 2006 to undertake the Mid-term Review (MTR) of the AIDS Control Project. The main objectives of the MTR were to...

HIV Sentinel Surveillance in High-Risk Groups in Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, and the Russian Federation

In this report, valuable data on HIV, Hepatitis C, and syphilis prevalence in high-risk population groups in Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, and the Russian Federation was published for the first time.

WHO Summary Country Profile for Treatment Scale Up – Republic of Moldova

This document summarizes the main data relevant to assessing the need to HIV treatment scale up in the country. It also includes a section on WHO’s Support for ART Scale-Up.

Declaration of Commitment of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) Progress Report 2003–2005 – Moldova

The report is developed by the Scientific and Practical Center of Public Health and Health Management (SPCPHHM) of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Moldova and presents the data for the period January 2003 – December 2005, following the

WHO Assessment of Site Program Readiness for Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) at the Municipal Clinical Hospital no.1, Balti

This assessment has been carried out by making use of a tool developed by the JSI for the USAID to Assess Site Program Readiness for Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy (ART).

WHO Assessment of Site Program Readiness for Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) at the National Dermatovenerological Dispensary, Chisinau

This assessment has been carried out by making use of a tool developed by the JSI for the USAID to Assess Site Program Readiness for Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy (ART).

WHO Assessment of Site Program Readiness for Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Slobozia, Transdniestria

This assessment has been carried out by making use of a tool developed by the JSI for the USAID to Assess Site Program Readiness for Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy (ART).

Moldova Demographic and Health Survey 2005 – Preliminary Report

2005 DHS collected information on fertility levels, marriage, sexual activity, fertility preferences, knowledge and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, nutritional status of women and young children, childhood mortality, maternal and child health, and awareness and behaviour regarding AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.

Situational Analysis on HIV/AIDS in Moldova 2005

The National Team for Strategic Planning has developed this report as part of the strategic planning process for the new National AIDS Programme for 2006–2010. It includes: context of the epidemic, blood services, detection of blood-transmitting infections at donators, HIV/AIDS epidemiology,

HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Moldova

This publication was issued by NGO "Drumul Speranţei", at the request of "Regina Pacis" Fund for informing the population in regards to HIV/AIDS situation and resource mobilization.

Estimating the Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Countries of the Former Soviet Union

This report assesses the evidence on the extent and prospects of an HIV/AIDS epidemic in the countries of the former Soviet Union and the impact this will have on the economies of those countries.

Republic of Moldova: The Impact of HIV/AIDS in the World of Work

The objective of the paper is to discuss some of the issues that need to be taken into consideration when developing a support strategy for the Republic of Moldova, where HIV may undermine development progress achieved since the country’s independence.

HIV/AIDS Behavioral Surveillance Survey, Moldova

In Moldova, the first round of BSS was successful in documenting HIV/AIDS-related knowledge attitudes and behaviors, drug use and sharing behaviors and sexual behaviors in sub-populations including IDUs, CSWs and inmates in prisons with syringes exchange and without syringe exchange programs.

A Quick-and-Dirty Review of ART Scale-Up Scenarios

A quick-and-dirty analyses of ART scale-up and adherence scenarios, considering the actual trends and making allowance for the existing evidence and statistical data.