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Republic of Moldova Progress Report on HIV/AIDS

Reliable information is one of the most important determinants in the process of development and implementation of efficient and effective strategies. Information represents the evidence base for establishing the framework, soundly based on the status quo, for efficient interventions to prevent the spread of HIV.

Together with other countries, the Republic of Moldova participated at the UN General Assembly in 2011 where the Political Declaration of Commitment to eliminate HIV/AIDS was signed. Also, it is part of the Dublin Declaration and of the WHO Global Strategy on Health sector.  

The joint Monitoring and Evaluation system of the National Programme on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS and STI in the Republic of Moldova has been implemented starting with 2005. Over the years, this system passed through a series of system strengthening stages, but it is yet premature to state that the system is fully functional and satisfies all the key information needs. However, relevant strategic information has been obtained and made and accessible to inform the decision-making process in the national response to HIV.   
