Non Governmental Organizations Active in HIV/AIDS Area

AFEW – AIDS Foundation East West

Campaign on Stigma and Discrimination against PLH, HIV Prevention Campaign

Soros Foundation – Moldova

Harm Reduction, Palliative Care

Center for Health Policies and Studies

Contribute to health system development, support reforms and capacity building in HIV/AIDS and TB area

SIDA – Swedish International Development Agency

Strengthening Civil Society, Prevention of Social Exclusion and Promotion of Public Health

MSF – Médecins Sans Frontières

Setting up operations in Moldova that will address the needs of both TB and HIV patients

USAID Moldova

Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis B&C

Youth-friendly Health Centre "ATIS"

Youth friendly services, IEC activities

UOHR – Union of Harm Reduction Organizations

Coordinating, building capacity, and providing support to organizations operating in the field of harm reduction

League of People Living with HIV of Republic of Moldova

Advocacy and support for people living with HIV

Moldova AIDS Network

Transfer of experience and capacity building in the field of HIV/AIDS, STI and Drug-abuse prevention

Non-governmental Organization "New Life"

Promote the healthy life style and rehabilitation

MCA – Moldavian Christian Aid

Foster ecumenical cooperation, increase the role of the Churches in Moldavian modern society

MIHR – Moldova Institute for Human Rights

Education, promotion and defense of rights and freedoms foreseen by the national and international legislation

NYRC – National Youth Resource Centre

Network to promote services targeting young people

Charity Social-Medical Foundation "Angelus Moldova"

Palliative care and psychological support

CRS – Catholic Relief Services

Hope, security and opportunity

GTZ – German Technical Cooperation Bureau

Sustainable development, improvement of people’s living conditions

WAC – World AIDS Campaign

Advocacy, campaigning activities and lobby

Association "Tineretul Pozitiv"

Protection of rights of young people affected by HIV/AIDS

Information Center "GenderDoc-M"

Lobby and protection of rights of LGBT community representatives

Moldova Youth Peer Education Network

Promotion of peer-to-peer education