March 14, 2008, 13:00

Agenda Items


1. Application of Republic of Moldova to Global Fund, 8th Round: necessity, directions, activity plan.
  1. Application directions in area of Tuberculosis. Study results "Supervision of anti tuberculosis resistance. National Study – Republic of Moldova".
  2. Appliance directions in HIV/AIDS/STI area.
  3. Activity plan on elaboration and application to Global Fund, 8th Round
2. Miscellaneous



  1. In order to ensure the sustainability in the implementation of the activities under National Development Programme, National Health Policy, Health Development Strategy for the period 2008–2012, National HIV/AIDS/STI Prophylaxis and Control and National TB Control and Prophylaxis Programmes, CCM will apply for additional resources to the 8th round of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria.
  2. The Mechanism and Terms for the Development, consultation and Approval of the proposal to the GFATM on behalf of Moldova (appendix 1).
  3. The leaders of the Technical Working Groups (TWG), leading specialists from the Ministry of Health, individuals responsible of the implementation and monitoring of NPs by wide and equal involvement of all stakeholders (state institutions, private organizations, religious organizations, NGOs, donors, etc) will ensure the process of development of the proposal by following the terms established in point 2 of the present Decision.
  4. The CCM Secretariat will monitor and present the information to the Chair and the members of the CCM in regards to the process of development of the proposal.
  5. To promote and sustain the activities in HIV/AIDS/STI control, CCM on TB/AIDS will ask the Local Public Authorities, Forced Army services to offer the support to the nongovernmental organizations in achieving the objectives of the National Programmes.