Moldova Institute for Human Rights (MIHR)

Moldova Institute for Human Rights (MIHR), founded in 2007, by a group of jurists and human rights defenders is an independent, non-profit organization which aims to protect human rights. MIHR staff has experience in monitoring human rights and obligations assumed by Republic of Moldova within Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, United Nations and Council of Europe.


  • contribute to education, promotion and defense of rights and freedoms foreseen by the national and international legislation.

Areas of Activity:

  • Defend people living with HIV/AIDS and vulnerable groups;
  • Defend people with mental disabilities and people within institutions specialized in treatment of people with mental disabilities;
  • Guarantee the right to meetings and freedom of expression;
  • Prohibit torture;
  • Reproductive rights;
  • Patients’ rights.

MIHR carries out the following actions in area of activity:

  • Monitor different state institutions aiming at detecting and elimination of all abuse practices in area of human rights;
  • Strategic litigation (National and International Courts – European Court of Human Rights, UN Committees and others);
  • Legal aid in area of human rights;
  • Analyze the legal framework;
  • Analyze the public policies;
  • Educate in area of human rights;
  • Lobby.

MIHR performs advocacy and litigation, contributes to informing specific groups as well as the entire society on severe infringements of human rights, caused by knowledge-gap of values of individual freedoms, social justice, equity and non-discrimination.

MIHR members contributed to drafting of reports on different cases of infringements of human rights, accompanied by the analysis of the situation and cases, comparative analysis between national laws and international legislation in area of human rights, recommendation to improve the situation: The alternative Reports to UN Committees (UN Committee for Civil and Political Rights, UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, UN Committee on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination, UN Committee against Torture), Periodical Reports to European Commission (European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, European Committee for Prevention of Torture and Inhuman Treatment, Working Group of the Convention on National Minorities, Commissioner for Human Rights, Parliament Assembly of Council of Europe, etc), Reports to OSCE (Human Dimension, Security Council).

MIHR staff participated within regional initiative for South-Eastern Europe: COPLI/INTERIGHTS/Bulgarian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights promotion, Advanced International Course on Human Rights Protection (Poland), Human Rights Advocacy Program (USA).

MIHR established partnerships with different people and organizations worldwide which support and share the values promoted by the organization, being a support in the future.