Moldova, Regional and International HIV/AIDS News

Campania “Statutul meu NU ESTE un secret”

În șapte orașe ale țării, inclusive în Chișinău a demarat Campania ”Statutul meu nu este un secret”, în cadrul căreia persoanele HIV positive își publică statutul pe afișele stradale. 

Community-based antiretroviral therapy delivery: experiences from MSF

This document presents experiences of how community-based antiretroviral therapy (ART) delivery can improve both the level of access to treatment and the quality of health outcomes for people living with HIV. These experiences illustrate that community-based ART delivery is efficient, effective and high quality. This document draws from several Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) reports and articles regarding its experiences with community-supported ART delivery.

Strategic resolution on UNAIDS passed by Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in New York

The resolution is balanced between welcoming the progress made in preventing new HIV infections and the significant scale up of treatment, but also expressing concern that despite progress made, AIDS is not over and that challenges remain, such as the high numbers of people living with HIV who do not know their HIV status.

April 2015

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