Moldova, Regional and International HIV/AIDS News

Recruitment of a Consultant for implementation of the project “Joint Action to Strengthen Human Rights in the Transnistrian Region of the Republic of Moldova”

A national consultant will be recruited to facilitate the implementation of the project which will focus on providing support to ensure universal equitable access to quality, integrated and rights-based HIV prevention, treatment and care services for most at risk populations in the civilian and prison sectors of the Transnistrian region.

Adresarea Verei Brejneva către cetățenii Republicii Moldova

La nici o lună după ce a devenit Ambasadoare a Bunăvoinței pentru programul dedicat  HIV/SIDA al ONU, cântăreața rusă Vera Brejneva a adresat un mesaj tuturor cetățenilor Republicii Moldova, prin care i-a îndemnat să-și facă imediat testul la virusului HIV și să fie solidari cu persoanele HIV pozitive.

Message of UNAIDS Executive Director - Michel Sidibé on World AIDS Day

On World AIDS Day 2014, it is time to redouble our efforts, to fast-track our actions and close the gap between people who have access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services and people who are being left behind.

Unu Decembrie - Ziua Mondiala de combatere SIDA

Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite (ONU) în anul 1988 a declarat pentru prima dată  Unu Decembrie - Ziua Internaţională de contracarare SIDA, care în ultimii ani se marchează cu genericul: ,,Tendinţa zero. Zero cazuri noi de infecţie HIV/SIDA. Zero discriminări. Zero cazuri decesuri în rezultatul maladiei SIDA” şi prezintă o oportunitate de conştientizare a pandemiei cauzate de HIV.

Lansarea raportului global UNAIDS către Ziua Mondială de combatere a SIDA

În ajunul Zilei Internaționale de Combatere SIDA, marcată anual la 1 decembrie, Programul Națiunilor Unite privind HIV/SIDA – UNAIDS a publicat un raport, la nivel global, în care se descrie abordarea rapidă pentru a pune capăt epidemiei cu HIV/SIDA până la finele anului 2030, prevenind astfel aproape 28 de milioane de noi infecții și 21 de milioane de decese.

Materials for World AIDS Day 2014

The World AIDS Day 2014 campaign – Close the gap provides a number of materials you can use for national or regional activities on World AIDS Day 2014. Logos, banners, infographics, photos, messages, a brochure, a fact sheet, a press release template and a social media pack are all available on the campaign website.

The European HIV testing week 2014

HIV Testing week, click here for more info -

Talk about HIV. Test HIV. Sign up for European HIV testing week 2014!

Recruitment of a national NGO to facilitate a roundtable to develop a strategy on communitarian HIV testing and counseling

UNAIDS is seeking a national NGOs to organize and facilitate the workshop for 25 participants representing service providers from key populations (Injecting drug users, sex workers and men doing sex with men), as well as young key affected populations, and sero-discordant couples; as well as representatives of national HIV programme and relevant technical partners.  

UNAIDS appoints Victoria Beckham as International Goodwill Ambassador

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) has appointed leading fashion designer Victoria Beckham as UNAIDS International Goodwill Ambassador. The announcement was made at a special event held during the 69th United Nations General Assembly in New York.

RAPORT regional privind revizuirea ţintelor tratamentului antiretroviral/retargeting

Recent, oficiul regional UNAIDS pentru Europa de Est şi Asia Centrală a elaborat raportul regional cu privire la procesul de revizuire a ţintelor tratamentului antiretrovital (TARV)/retargeting, după reuniunea consultării regionale, care a avut loc în perioada 28-29 aprilie 2014, în Istanbul, Turcia. 

Analiza eficienţei alocărilor financiare în domeniul HIV/SIDA / Investment case

Recent, în șase țări ale Europei de Est și Asiei Centrale, inclusiv Moldova, a fost lansat procesul de analiză a eficienţei alocărilor financiare în domeniul HIV/SIDA. Această cercetare va permite identificarea investițiilor cost-eficiente şi determina scenariul de distribuție optimă a intervențiilor eficace pentru controlul HIV. 

Aprobarea Notei de Concept HIV de către Comitetului de Revizie Tehnică al Fondului Global (I etapă)

Managerul de Portofoliu al Fondului Global pentru combaterea SIDA, Tuberculozei și Malariei (FG) pentru R. Moldova a informat Consiliul Național de Coordonare a Programelor TB/SIDA despre decizia recentă a Comitetului de Revizie Tehnică (TRP) al Fondului Global privind rezultatele examinării Notei de Concept pentru grantul standard HIV.

Recruitment of a public health consultant

The consultant will be hired to analyse the actual legislative and normative framework  related to  public acquisitions, explore the existent international, regional and local models and practices on social contracting, and to contribute to develop the methodology and financial mechanism to contract harm reduction from public sources.    

Recruitment of a Harm reduction consultant

The consultant will be hired to develop the methodology and financial mechanism to contract harm reduction from public sources.    

18 Mai - Ziua Internaţională de Comemorare a Persoanelor Decedate de SIDA

În a treia duminică a lunii mai comunitatea internaţională comemorează persoanele decedate de SIDA, ceea ce prezintă o oportunitate de a demonstra voinţa şi dorinţa de contracarare a infecţiei cu HIV şi susţinerea  persoanelor care trăiesc cu HIV.  Este important  de a  conştientiza că nimeni nu este imun la HIV şi de a expune  modalitatea de  a preveni  această infecţie. 

Endorsement of HIV standard grant application within the New Funding Model of the Global Fund

On May 12, 2014, the Republic of Moldova discussed, approved and endorsed the Concept Note for the New Funding Model standard HIV grant. 

Extension of the recruitment of a national consultant for the collection of epidemiological, programmatic, costs data related to OST (opioid substitution treatment)/NSP (needle syringe programme) interventions within the framework of the conduction of a study on Modeling and Cost-Effectiveness in 5 selected EECA countries, including the Republic of Moldova

Based on study protocol and methodology, particularly on elaborated parameters to provide data related to OST/NSP access, coverage, and impact, as well as provide data on costs of the interventions.

Recruitment of a national consultant for the collection of epidemiological, programmatic, costs data related to OST (opioid substitution treatment)/NSP (needle syringe programme) interventions within the framework of the conduction of a study on Modeling and Cost-Effectiveness in 5 selected EECA countries, including the Republic of Moldova

Based on study protocol and methodology, particularly on elaborated parameters to provide data related to OST/NSP access, coverage, and impact, as well as provide data on costs of the interventions.

Recruitment of a national consultant for the facilitation and statistical analyses of epidemiological, programmatic, costs data related to OST/ARV/HCV/NSP interventions within the framework of Modeling and Cost-Effectiveness study in 5 selected EECA countries, including the Republic of Moldova

Based on study protocol and methodology, particularly on elaborated parameters to develop soft scripts to provide data for behavioral indicators from IBBS and lead the entire process.

Recruitment of a national consultant for the collection of costs data related to OST/ARV/HCV/NSP interventions within the framework of the conduction of a study on Modeling and Cost-Effectiveness in 5 selected EECA countries, including the Republic of Moldova

Based on study protocol and methodology, particularly on elaborated parameters to provide data related to economics and costing of ARV, HCV, OST, NSP related interventions.

Recruitment of a national consultant for the collection of epidemiological, programmatic, costs data related to ARV/HCV interventions within the framework of the conduction of a study on Modeling and Cost-Effectiveness in 5 selected EECA countries, including the Republic of Moldova

Based on study protocol and methodology, particularly on elaborated parameters to provide data related to ART/HCV  access, coverage, and impact, as well as provide data on costs of the interventions.    

Atelier de Lucru "Consolidarea parteneriatului între organele ordinii de drept și reprezentanții societății civile în domeniile HIV și consumul de droguri"

Agenția Națiunilor Unite pentru Combaterea Drogurilor și Criminalității, oficiul de proiect din Republica Moldova, organizează un Atelier de Lucru întitulat "Consolidarea parteneriatului între organele ordinii de drept și reprezentanții societății civile în domeniile HIV și consumul de droguri" eveniment ce se va desfășura în perioada 3 - 4 aprilie 2014, în incinta Hotelului Manhattan.

Proces național de consultări

Consiliul Național de Coordonare a programelor naționale de profilaxie și control a infecției HIV/SIDA, infecțiilor cu transmitere sexuală și de control a tuberculozei din Republica Moldova anunță proces național deschis de consultări și implicare în dezvoltarea aplicațiilor pentru granturile Fondului Global (FG). Granturile vor fi oferite de către donator în cadrul Noului Model de Finanțare.


The United Nations launched today the 10th anniversary edition of the competition for the best actions to promote and protect human rights in the Republic of Moldova. Organized since 2004, the competition aims to highlight and award creative, innovative, effective, timely and engaged human rights initiatives and actions. 

Vizita de lucru a Doamnei Margareta Timofti la invitația UNODC

Prima Doamnă a Republicii Moldova, Margareta Timofti, a efectuat în perioada 17-19 martie a.c. o vizită de lucru în capitala Austriei, Viena, la invitația Agenției Națiunilor Unite pentru Combaterea Drogurilor și Criminalității (UNODC).

Zero Discrimination Day to be celebrated 1 March 2014

UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé launched the Zero Discrimination Day on 27 February with a major event in Beijing, China supported by the China Red Ribbon Foundation, Hanergy Holding Group, Chinese government, civil society and celebrities. Similar events are planned for the days leading up to 1 March 2014 in countries around the world.

Raportarea globală a progresului răspunsului HIV GARPR 2014

Pe 7 februarie, în Moldova a fost lansat procesul de organizare a raportării globaleprivind progresul răspunsului HIV GARPR 2014. Raportarea se axează pe cele 10 ținte globale stabilite prin Declarația politică a Asambleii Generale a ONU pentru HIV/SIDA din 2011, dintre care cinci (5) țin de Obiectivele de Dezvoltare ale Mileniului (ODM). 

Is Moldova Leading the World on Harm Reduction in Prisons?

Moldova's harm reduction program in prisons is unique in the region, and a remarkable model, not only there, but globally. Begun in the early 2000s, following pioneering work by the Open Society Foundations (OSF), responsibility for managing the program underwent by all accounts, a smooth transition to the public health staff working in the penitentiary system.

UNAIDS extends the deadline for application

UNAIDS extends the deadline for application of several recruitment contests for national consultants related to GARPS 2014 process.

The 20th International AIDS Conference and its opportunities

The 20th International AIDS Conference will take place at Melbourne, Australia, in the period 20-25 July 2014.


1 December 2013 –– On this year's World AIDS Day, UNAIDS, the organising partners of the 20th International AIDS Conference and civil society partners are jointly announcing a global call for nominations for the 2014 Red Ribbon Award.

Request for expressions of interest (submission of CV)

The Public Institution “Coordination Implementation and Monitoring Unit of the Health System Restructuring Project” (Public Institution “CIMU HSRP”), is seeking a Company for the provision of Consultant services aimed at developing the concept and organize a one-and-a half-day workshop for representatives of KAP on Strategic Planning on objectives and activities to be implemented within the frame of the KAP Pilot.

Recruitment of a Lead National Consultant Global Aids Progress Reporting within GARPR 2014 process

The overall responsibility to coordinate the data collection, collation, analysis, validation, entry in the online tool and reconciliation and update SPECTRUM file.  

Recruitment of a National Consultant to Ensure Indicator data input into Online Reporting Tool within GARPR 2014 process

Overall objective is data input into the online reporting tool at   with due regard to consistency checks among available national data and validated indicator values.

Recruitment of a national consultant for the collection of data related to treatment and care of PLHIV within GARPR 2014 process

Based on the 2014 GUIDELINES on Construction of Core Indicators for monitoring the 2011 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, provide data related to ARV treatment access, coverage, and impact, on PMTCT coverage, on TB/HIV co-infection management, and on support and care initiatives, update SPECTRUM file.  

Recruitment of a National Consultant for the Development of the Indicator on Government HIV and AIDS Policies (NCPI) within GARPR 2014 process

Overall objective is the development of the NCPI indicator,  especially in the area Part A - to be administered to government officials of the report.

Recruitment of a National Consultant for the Development of the Indicator on Government HIV and AIDS Policies (NCPI) within GARPR 2014 process

Overall objective is the development of the NCPI indicator,  especially in the area Part B - to be administered to be administered to representatives from civil society organizations, bilateral agencies, and UN organizations.

Recruitment of a National Consultant for the for the Development of the Indicator on National AIDS Spending within GARPR 2014 process

Overall objective is to participate in performing the expenditures assessment based on the National AIDS Spending Assessment, cross-checking the data with the state budget expenditures reports and the most recent Resource Flows Survey, filling in the cover sheet and the National AIDS Funding Matrix. The drafts shall be produced in both Romanian and Russian.

May 2014

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